Archive for the ‘ Evolution In 5 Minutes ’ Category

Evolution In 5 Minutes

Evolution (disambiguation)
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* 1 Film
* 2 Television
* 3 Literature
* 4 Music
o 4.1 Albums
o 4.2 Songs
o 4.3 Other
* 5 Games
* 6 Technology
* 7 Festivals
* 8 Companies
* 9 Other uses
* 10 See also

In biology, evolution is change in traits of a population of organisms over time (due to a number of mechanisms and processes).

Evolution may also refer to:
[edit] Film

* Evolution (film), a 2001 film by Ivan Reitman
* Underworld: Evolution, a 2006 film

[edit] Television

* Evolution (TV series), a documentary television series
* “Evolution” (Stargate SG-1), an episode of Stargate SG-1
* “Evolution” (Star Trek: The Next Generation), an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation
* X-Men: Evolution, an American television series

[edit] Literature

* Evolution (journal), a bimonthly scientific journal
* Evolution: The Modern Synthesis by Julian Huxley
* Evolution (novel), a science fiction novel by Stephen Baxter
* Evolution (Doctor Who), a Doctor Who novel
* The Theory of Evolution, a popular science book by John Maynard Smith